The ONLY Autism-Specific In Case of Emergency (ICE) Mobile App
Provides first responders and medical personnel with actionable information quickly and effectively for more needs-conscious, patient-centered medical care for individuals with autism
You hope you'll never need it, but you'll be glad you've got it when you do!

Only $1.99
(or the equivalent in your currency)

ICE4Autism is recommended by (Click to learn more):
PreparednessMatters.orgChanging attitudes and emphasis from “equipping” people, to informing and
educating underserved communities with realistic methods and techniques that will improve their chances of surviving major disasters or every day emergencies.
At Prevention Connection we believe that sound public education is the key to
reducing the devastating impact that preventable fires have on individuals, families, businesses, and the community at large
and have developed a framework to assist communities in pursuing a Public Education Community Involvement Strategy!
EasyHealthUK by Generate
easyhealth.org.uk is a website that aims to change the way people with learning disabilities take control of their health
Spirit of Autism
Providing Autism Training for Emergency Responders and Emergency Preparedness information for Autism families
US First Responders Association
Provide training information, networking & career opportunities for Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement and the Armed Forces
Parenting in Motion
Tips and thoughts regarding parenting, child behavior, and tips for parents of children with developmental delays
Appy Autism by
Fundacion Orange
Find the BEST apps for people with autism spectrum disorders
Celebrating neurodiversity through the arts
Julia's World Project
Helping families and children living with Deafness, Autism
or other challenges open avenues to communication, language, learning and living through visual and written communication strategies, connections and life experiences
DIGS is a group of parents, caregivers and concerned citizens who formed a nonprofit corporation to Develop Independence,
Growth and Security for the adults in our community with with developmental challenges
Jessica Green Foundation
Providing hope for families
and individuals living with autism
Include Autism
Dedicated to providing services that instill community-wide autism inclusion.
The unique Community Coaching program provides natural, hands-on opportunities for program participants to develop adaptive, functional skills needed to become included in their community.
Revolutionizing the way the fire service community finds relevant news, identifies
important training information, interacts online and researches product purchases and suppliers. It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for fire service professionals worldwide
Autism Alliance of Michigan
leading collaborative efforts across the state to improve the quality of life for individuals with autism
Claire Hill: Aspie Glass Art
My work predominately centres around autism/emotions and sensory issues. Raising awareness and understanding of autism is one of my missions and I use my art as part of this.
Autism Articulated
Giving voice to the every day and ever global reality of lives affected by autism.
Together, we articulate autism